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Looking at organisations and movements is the focus of our attention here. We look at the main types of religious organisation as well as how they develop.


In recent years there has been a growth in the number of religious organisations and spiritual movements; we need to know why this is.


Membership and participation in different religious organisations and movements vary by social class, ethnicity, gender and age. We need to examine the explanations for these patterns.


Learning Objectives


  • Know the main types of religious organisation and their characteristics

  • Understand and be able to evaluate explanations of different types of religious/spiritual organisations and movements

  • Understand and be able to evaluate explanations of the reasons for the growth and development of different religious/spiritual organisations and members

  • Know the main patterns of participation by class, ethnicity, gender and age and the reasons for these patterns

Organisations, movements and members

Organisations Introduction

Organisations Reading

New Religious Movements

New Age Movements

Social Groups Reading

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