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OK, so this is technically the bigger of the two topics in AS sociology, with it being worth 60% of your AS grade, but don't worry - we can get through it.
It's easier than the other unit, I feel, because it's quite nicely split between three parts in the exam. You'll be asked about your knowledge on the sociology of education, on research methods in general and then using research methods to study education.
In the topic you're going to be asked about the following things, so we need to make sure we know them.
- The role and purpose of education, including vocational training and education, in contemporary society
- Differential educational achievement of social groups by class, gender and ethnicity in contemporary society
- Relationships and processes within schools, with particular reference to teacher/pupil relationships, pupil subcultures, the hidden curriculum and the organisation of teaching and learning
- The significance of educational policies, including selection, comprehensivisation and merketisation, for an understanding of the structure, role and impact of education
- The application of sociological research methods to the study of education
So the idea is to get our heads around these. Using the buttons below, click on each one for the workbooks for each topic we are going to look at.
SCLY2 - Education with Research Methods

Revision Guide
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