Hello! This is the page where you can access the links to workbooks for SCLY1, otherwise known as the Family and Households unit for AS sociology. The unit is worth 40% of your entire AS grade so make sure when we are going through the topics you are taking down all your notes, filling in your workbooks and, of course, doing the homework reading in preparation for the lessons.
In this topic we will be looking at the following, so you need to make sure you have a good understanding of it.
- The relationship of the family to the social structure and social change, with particular reference to the economy and state policies
- Changing patterns of marriage, cohabitation, separation, divorce and childbearing and the life-course, as well as the diversity of contemporary family and household structures
- The nature and extent of changes within the family, with reference to gender roles, domestic labour and power relationships
- The nature of childhood, and changes in the status of children in the family and society
- Demographic trends in the UK since 1900; reasons for changes in the birth rate, death rate and family size
We're probably OK on what a household is, a person living alone or a group of people living together; and this group may or may not be related to one another...but we first need to work out what a family is, then go on from there...

Revision Guide
Key Term List
JAN 09
JUN 09
JAN 10
JUN 10
JAN 11